everything is yours.

available in app store fall 2024


reclaim your data and content.

Did you know that social media owns your a%$? Nothing is yours.

Whenever you create a single bit of data… tech companies like Insta and TikTok own it.

Whenever you like or message any of your friends… the platforms own the conversation.

Even when you simply post your lunch… the algos, the trackers, the companies thirsty for your data—all come in hot.

Enough is enough! No more data extraction, tech toxicity, psy-op campaigns, and being plugged into the matrix!

Dialin lets you create, own, manage, and control all of your data and digital content through an entirely new experience.

Everything you dialin lives on your own private cloud and media platform… now that’s fire.

Welcome to a new era of you—where everything is yours.

set your digital soul free.

calling all revolutionaries and early adopters.

it’s time to take back control.

Ready to win the battle for control over your data, your content, and your mind—so you can set your digital soul free?

Are you tired of all the noise, the trolls, and getting gaslit by your feed? Dialin lets you simply tune it out. Want more of what you love? Dial it in.

You are in control.

It’s time for a change. Dialin is here to help you take back control of your digital life.

Own your data, your cloud, and your interactions once and for all. Empower your network and community with the power of data so the AI overlords can’t win.

Invest in yourself and your future simply by dialing in your data and content. Be among the first to experience true digital freedom, agency, and data wealth.

Join our waitlist to be among the first pioneers in this new era. Be part of the revolution today.

how it works

With Dialin, you have an infinite canvas that transforms how you interact with your data and all of your content. Just dialin any experience by taking photos or videos, uploading them from your gallery, files, the web—or even pull in content from YouTube and TikTok.

You then add your own keywords and dials to that content, making it meaningful for you—like how spicy you like your soup, how much energy is in that song, and so much more. Arrange content and experiences into spaces, floors, and dynamic feeds and grids.

Use cases are as vast as your imagination! Browse the web, create a new space for inspiration or your latest obsession, sort through your favorite music and vids, chat and share what you’ve dialed in via messages and groups, and seamlessly move between all of your content like you are flying through space.

When you dialin your experiences and favorite posts—you are making your entire digital life more meaningful to you. But you are also adding points to your data bank. You get to use these points for rewards and more of what you love in the future!


What’s your vibe? Dials let you assign keywords to all of your content, and what you love—so your data and everything else becomes more meaningful to you and for you.

Photos, videos, posts, and files are dialed in to your exact preferences. You are in control of what you see and experience. Dialing in content puts your fingerprint on anything you touch while creating data wealth for your future.


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Digital enlightenment is here.